12 Maggio 2021
"Perchè la Brexit è appena iniziata sull'isola di Jersey"
Nel 1860 il trattato anglo-francese di libero scambio fu un'alternativa alla guerra con Napoleone III. Il Free Trade e non la forza militare avrebbe assicurato per alcuni decenni la pace in Europa. L'episodio è ricordato nel libro di Enzo Cardi European Economic Legal Order After Brexit. Legacy, Regulation, and Policy (Routledge, Oxford-NY 2021, distribuito in Italia da Giappichelli).
Prof. Avv. Enzo Cardi
Enzo Cardi graduated in Law at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", obtained a Diploma in Law at the University of Oxford, St. John's College.
​Enzo taught as Full Professor of Administrative Law in the Faculty of Law of the University of Perugia and since 2012 in the Department of Law of the University of Roma Tre, where he is currently Senior Professor of Administrative Law and Economic Law.
He is the author of several studies on legal-economic issues.​ Among the most recent ones:​ European Economic Legal Order After Brexit. Legacy, Regulation, And Policy, Routledge-Giappichelli, London - New York (forthcoming).
He is a member of the scientific committee of several legal journals.
​As a member of the Italian Bar he practices before the Supreme Courts and international arbitration panels.
​He has held institutional roles as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National School of Administration, an institution of the Prime Minister Office (from 1989 to 1994) and subsequently as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Poste Italiane S.p.A. from its incorporation as a company (1994) until 2005.
​He is currently an independent member of the Board of Directors of Torre S.p.A., an asset management company controlled by Fortress Group.