12 Maggio 2021
"Perchè la Brexit è appena iniziata sull'isola di Jersey"
Nel 1860 il trattato anglo-francese di libero scambio fu un'alternativa alla guerra con Napoleone III. Il Free Trade e non la forza militare avrebbe assicurato per alcuni decenni la pace in Europa. L'episodio è ricordato nel libro di Enzo Cardi European Economic Legal Order After Brexit. Legacy, Regulation, and Policy (Routledge, Oxford-NY 2021, distribuito in Italia da Giappichelli).
Marcello Cardi
Marcello Cardi graduated in Law at the University of Perugia.
Marcello is a member of the Italian Bar and he has rights of audience before the Italian Supreme Court.
He is the author of several publications on administrative law and pharmaceutical law.
President and member of commissions for public tenders, he is registered in the Register of the Italian Chamber of Arbitration and has acted as president and member of Arbitration Boards.
He is a member of the Board of Standard Ethics Ltd.